Passé Dance Center
2021 - 2022 Competition Contract



Placement in competition classes is based on the following criteria: technique, potential, commitment level, enthusiasm, attitude and behavior in class, attendance and stage presence. We place students together in groups that we feel will work best together in rehearsals and performances. We will not discuss results until the second week of classes.


Tuition: Tuition for competition dancers varies depending on the number of hours they take. You will pay a total of 10 tuition payments. The first payment is due at registration. The additional 9 payments are due on the 1st of every month beginning September 1st.

Registration Fee: A non-refundable $18 fee (per family) is required at registration.

Payment Forms: Forms of payment include Online (credit card), Cash and Check . Returned check fees are $30. After 2 bounced checks, payments must be received in cash or credit card.

Payment Terms: Tuition payments paid after the 1st will be charged a $5 late fee and after the 7th the late fee will be $10. Competition fees paid after the deadlines (see schedule below) are subject to a $20 late fee.

Costumes and Props: A costume deposit of $40 (PER COSTUME) will be due on 9/1 after classes are set. The remaining balance per costume is due no later than Nov. 1st  We will do out best to keep costume fees to under $100 per costume. Prop fees may be at an additional charge.

Specialty Dances: Specialty group routines, including solos, duets and trios are subject to additional fees. Please contact Angie or Courtney for a separate contract for a specialty routine.

Competition Fees: Competition fees are dictated by each respective competition. Your competition fees are paid per dance. Historically, the competition fee for a group dance is APPROX $50. (i.e. if a competition fee for a group dance is $50 and a dancer is in 3 group dances, the fees for that competition would be $150.) Competition fees are due in accordance with the following schedule.

Imagine (March 11-13)
Fees Due: 10/1/2021

Rising Star (April 22-24)
Fees Due: 1/1/2022

KAR (May 13-15)
Fees Due: 2/1/2022 

Each dancer will wear Passé attire at all times except while wearing a dance costume. 


We will be doing all communication this year via the Band App, Email and Social Media. We will also have an option to opt in to receive reminders via text messaging. Please ONLY opt in to the competition number.


All competition dancers will be held to the highest standards of conduct. Dancers are expected to show courtesy and respect to all instructors and other students. Any behavior that is deemed inappropriate shall result in that team member being disqualified from the team for that season.  Each dancer is expected to fully support one another and also to build each teammate up.  Any behavior that is otherwise will not be tolerated.


Dancers must always be in proper attire for all classes. Forgetting dancewear, shoes, proper hair and/or wearing inappropriate clothing is not acceptable. Students will be asked to not participate if the following requirements are not met: 

·         Ballet- black leotard, pink tights only, sheer short ballet skirt (optional), pink ballet shoes, hair in a neat secured bun.

Hip Hop – Tee shirts and sweat pants are optional

All other styles - proper shoes, shorts, tank tops

Dancers that are wearing attire deemed inappropriate will be asked to change 


A dance company is a team. Absences will not only affect the individual dancer, but the team as a whole. Students can NOT miss more than five (5) of any one class per dance season, including ballet/conditioning. If a dancer misses more than 5 unexcused practices for the year, s/he may be removed from that group.  This includes all injuries, sickness, vacation, school functions, etc. Dance requires consistent ongoing training, and dancers who excessively miss classes will not be able to perform at the same level as those who have attended all classes regularly.

Excused Absences: Passé Dance Center recognizes the importance of school work.  Dancers are excused from class 2 times if it is approved 2 weeks before the missed class and is a school grade.  Passé also recognizes the importance of time management and will not excuse dancers for procrastinating school work.  ALL absences need to be excused at least 2 weeks before and may result in removal from the group if dancers do not adhere to this rule.

Tardiness: Punctuality is just as important as attendance, please be on time and prepared for class. Two (2) occurrences of tardiness will count as an unexcused absence.

Dancers MUST be present in ALL classes and rehearsals the week prior to every performance and competition. If a dancer does not attend class (including ballet) the week of any performance, including recital, that dancer will NOT compete/perform.  


The parent/legal guardian of any minor student or any adult student waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the student before, during or after class.


Don’t forget to have fun! You’ll gain lifetime of great memories and friendships during this time together so enjoy every second! We strive to make this the most positive and rewarding experience for our dancers and look forward to having another incredible and exciting dance season.